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If you enjoy the pictures please subscribe and become a "follower" of my blog (I promise no spam). Every couple of weeks I will post more pictures for your viewing pleasure. Please comment and let me know which ones you like (and which you don't). I also ask that you please share this blog site to any and all of your friends and family.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at

Hope you enjoy!


PS- a proceed of all photographs sold will go to charity.

I remember the moment I decided to take pictures. It was while I was in college in the mid-90’s. I was at a friends house looking through a coffee table book and I flipped open to a Black and White picture of 2 feet. I studied the photo to try and understand its meaning. Why just a pair of feet? No shoes? No color? Then I read the title… “Pele”.

I remember gasping… Here I was looking at a portrait of arguably the worlds most famous feet. I was in awe. It was at that moment that I realized the power/message that a single picture can convey. It also made me realize the importance in the title of a picture.

When I take a picture I sometimes come up with the title before I come up with the shot. Other times I can see the picture in my minds eye before taking my camera out of the bag. For me the title is very important- in the following pictures I have tried to come up with the best title- often using double entandras to give the picture more meaning

Photography was a way for me to document my life for posterity.


A Vietnamese journalist once wrote: “Viewing Aron’s pictures has always been a great pleasure for me because it gives me a sense of tranquility”. I hope you enjoy them too. Thank you for coming to my blog.


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help me make my portfolio

comments welcome

not an artist- a historian

capture moments in time

sometimes i see the title bofore the picture